Saturday, 28 February 2015

                                                  KEEP AN EYE
The artist seating up above the sky is the craftsman who has shaped us into how we see ourselves in the mirror today or how we make the world look at us. Of all the good things I am blessed with, one cherry on the cake are my eyes. For most of us eyes are not just a sense organ but it is worth a lot more.

Eyes, the priceless treasure that makes me feel I am beautiful. The finest piece of art that not just opens the world to us but also captures the universe to fall into the depth of your eyes. The love of the poet, the secret of the drunk, the ocean of the mysteries and the charm of the intimacy, there can be endless forms of beauty which associates itself with the very existence of eyes.

Eyes, the most trustworthy expression you make... I might not be let you see my shadow for once, but I cannot prevent my eyes to be read. I might have turned my back but I do not intent to say goodbye unless you know my eyes say that I care.

Eyes, that’s where you rest your best words, Silence is a virtue that comes with speech that begins from your eyes. My words might fail but your question is answered  in the moment I hold them at you, in the moment I make that effortless blink , in the moment they have tears , or  in the moment I choose to look away.

Eyes can be your niche to play around.  I shall let you know I am confident if you see me holding the mascara which has just set my eyes. I shall let you know I am layered, if you see them sparkling behind from the glasses. I shall let you know I am worth to be taken care of, if you find them smoky than the usual.

Your eyes are where you preserve the magnificent you, so keep your eyes beautiful.

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