Tuesday, 10 November 2015

"City with the Hazy Lights”

"City with the Hazy Lights”

Now when I meet the streets,
Nothing look so clear to me,
Wonder if it simply be called hazy,
But then when at all it has been so simple,
So, this blurred sight has stories so clear,
No wonder my eyes have refused to see,
All what I missed and all what I can’t be,
This poisoned sight is cursed to my life,
And happens to take my deepest attention,
Coz I still wish to identify,
All that it possibly can be and all what I want it to be,
And look I found you in these lights,
Ridiculously real yet a dream so blurred,
Clearly mine yet a hazy stranger unheard,
And just when I moved pass the light,
The city again gave me a reflection so bright,
And there I knew that this place will not let me pass you,
As long as it has light, as long as it has night !!

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Why does she like bad boys ?

Woman is the best deception to a man’s mind. She is the question that follows the answer you’ve just found.

So in an attempt to solve a part of this beautiful mystery , let us wonder why do girls like bad boys. 

She may not say it loud & clear or she may even walk with it in pride , but there exists a part in each one of us that attracts us to bad men. Are we insane or are we too confident to cater the danger , is that what we love or lust for, is it a dream in the eye or a dirty secret. It can be anything or everything , but then the questions that pops out is why..

May be , because this bad guy is not known to be good to all, he is rarely found being sweet and nice . And here is you,  who gets the unexpected. He gives you a niche territory of attention, goodness , smile and selflessness which is not so generalized . What can make you feel more special when you know you are the chosen one.

If you are the lady , he is the imperfect compliment to your feminism. He knows how to bring the lady out of her paradise. He will not be the one with words that you have lived listening to, rather  he shall make you see the world - not so welcoming, until he holds your hands to walk you through.

He has his own actions that are alien to your book of mannerism. He might also not spoil you with pampering , but there is an obsessed bitch in a lady that not always wish to hear what she already knows. He might not be a gentle simplistic man, but then she loves mystery as much as she has lived unlocking her tresses.  They say mind isn’t white & black, it has shades of grey, then why do we not believe that the heart can also hold a spectrum of red. A spectrum which holds indefinite feelings, some we cite and some are undefined.

Is he a challenge that a woman strives for. Is he the impossible that you long for. Are we confused or are we really a deception . Wrapped in the fragility, are we looking for something tough . Our mind calculates the nicest guy as the one you wish to walk with, so then what is that stimulus that gives even the slightest blink to the bad one.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Summer Swimming - My Love Date or just a Sport !

There are a plenty many ways to beat the summer heat but help me find something which is more beautiful than a summer evening spent over a swimming pool
So this evening, it was not less than any beautiful date , which left me thinking if romance means your love for swimming. When the sun just set, I knew it’s the time when I shall be getting ready for the date. You pick the pretty dress and I picked the most beautiful one that could fit me well enough to feel the water around me. The best thing about swimming is while you are walking to the pool, it looks like the lover who is waiting for you with the most beloved smile.

And just when you put the first step in, the first rush of water around your skin is as warm as the first hug. It is right there when you know that you have entered comfort in paradise. The universe so starts to look so beautiful when you look out of the pool. The sky has a deceptive sheath and so is the air so smooth.
What is that, strikes your head when it is to define a perfect date, is it that soothing music or the moments or the person. While I began to swim, I felt it all around me. The noise of that every single wave that you create is music to ears. While you sail, you feel liberated, you feel weightless, you feel drunk and you know it is no just physics. It looks like a sweetheart who has endless love for you, the more you push the water away the more closer you get to the next drop.
You always know when you wish to keep moving or when you need that pause, a pause where you stand and take that breathe. A pause where you can see the moments waiting for you right there!!
And then after that break, you jump in back, with a bang.. As you do not wish to miss even a bit of it. An underwater dive , was my kissing moment… I say that because it is just not the same feeling but it also makes u skip a million beat.
Who says, you are always into the person while on a date. Humans tend to have random uncontrollable thoughts which can even drift your mind away, I just had the same moment when I lifted myself from the pool, seating on the bench and gazing at my playground. But that is where you know , what you just are missing and with that thought I dived in again.
Well, that was my story of a beautiful date while swimming over the pool. But the best moment that was even better than any human date was when the goodbye just happened. Every step I took to leave the pool left inside me, the inertia that made me loved summers and my summer love – “Swimming”.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

If Heart is an in-built Emotional See-Saw !!

A childhood is blessed with memories of see-saw moments. But have we really left the swing back in those days or are we born with an in-built biological see-saw called “The Heart”.

While closely observing the layman pictorial representation of the heart, it occurs to me that it is a structural & functional see-saw of human feelings & decision making. As I began to get more insane with my imaginations, I shall define the lobes as the two of the see-saw which is balanced at the poor little tip of the heart.

No matter how weird my structural correlation can sound, but the functional aspects have some serious balls rolling. Talk about aspirations and even a little thought can also make you realize the extent to which they can confuse the see-saw which keeps balancing the same and finally turns down towards the lobe that gets filled with a comparatively denser inclination.
The more affection a person can fill into your heart lobe, the balance gets biased. The deeper the cravings, the stronger the appetite and the brighter the sunshine, your heart is programmed to show its see-saw inclination to what pulls it down.

But the pull has a mirror explanation as well. What do we see when we reverse the gravity cycle? The moment the density of an intense side pulls your heart down, it might not always leave you content or happy but can also leave you feeling heavy, it leaves you with a sulking heart. The same heart that once was inclined towards the lobe filled with deep love, with intense power, with darker remorse or regrets, with stronger aspirations and with room filled with sunshine.  Yes, the same biased heart, much often has the tendency to make a person feel too heavy to get choked or saturated of the same.

So now we realize that this see saw also has power to reverse the balance. Without making the heavier side reduce a bit, it can start drifting towards where it feels light & different. Correct me if I am wrong, that most often we see ourselves looking for space in love, looking for something which is not meant to be ours, extending aspirations beyond the reach, taking your own belongings for granted  , correcting the incorrect and striving for more.

Trading is the territory for the mind to play a compromise .But our red stained see-saw will never be diplomatic enough to deny its rapidly changing inclination. It shall be an extremist or might prefer to balance the lobes or can be in any state so dynamic. No wonder they say there is no control to what your heart shall long for the next moment. The heart shall keep going up & down to what pulls it more, what lightens it a little more and what makes it beat a little more!!

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

A Letter From Emotions to a Human, a plea to not be Emotionally Handicap !

Dear Human,
These are your emotions, sending you a sincere and desperate request.
I was incorporated into you, having being told that I am the catalyst to the power of speech you were to learn as & when you grow. I felt a little less understood by your surroundings but then I knew I am the body of a child. But as you grew I am almost again brought to where we started from and perhaps a little more misunderstood.
Every day you added a word into your dictionary, every day your conscience told me what new is there for you to feel and every day you gave a definition to every form of mine.
Sometimes I companied the curve on your face called smile and defined happiness , sometimes I rolled down with tears of grief, sometimes I was the volcanic rush of veins called love , sometimes I was hatred , sometimes I was the anger behind the furious you, sometimes I was humanity … I never retired, I never complained I never stopped.. Until I knew I am being expressed, until I knew I am free to pour.
As you grew, your bigger body became much smaller for me. I started being pushed to corners where I can be best caged. Your words were gaining more power, your actions were louder than me and your eyes were cold. I was screaming your heart away to let me express yourself, but you rarely let me come out. I began to be at denial to even where I was used, I felt not free.
Agreed, that if I can be care, I can be ego too, that if I can be joy I can be dull too, if I can be word I can be silence too. But I am not programmed to feel completely expressed by the status update of what you feel, I am not programmed to feel completely expressed by emoticons you share , I am not programmed to feel completely expressed by the gift you can buy instead of care , I am not programmed to feel completely expressed by longing for someone who doesn’t even know , I am not programmed to feel completely expressed when you say “It is Ok” when it is really not, I am not programmed to feel completely expressed when you hide your tears, your feelings, the voice of your inner being and above all when you hide me, your emotions.
I may not protest against your injustice but if I am not poured out I am the unfinished business that shall not complete your actions. Like you grew so have I,
I am still love, no matter now I might rush less but let me love,
I am still care no matter less word than standing by but let me care,
I am still anger no matter less furious but let me confront,
I am still a pain, no matter fewer tears but let me break,
 I am still a lot more than what you reflect, let me express free …

Yours Sincerely,

This one is to someone who has his own explicit ways of expressing his emotions. He is one of the kinds who tell us that emotions are not handicap over words; you can do a zillion things to express yourself and let your emotions be exclusive for those who are worthy enough to decode them. His drawings are just one of his many, crazy, cranky ways to express what he wants you to know, he may say less but he might also spend his stupid hours to sketch and tell you that he cares.When I met him with his best of friends, his girlfriend"s", his brother , his sister especially and those who matters to him, I see him validating to me that his loudest emotions are the one with the simple words.He makes me hate his random silence for me but he makes me believes that at the end of the day, all that ends well is us.He is friend, he is love, he is wicked, he is insane and he is Ritesh Gupta!
Thank you for the drawings and for making me think over "emotions"!!
“Seven & Fabulous” 

Thursday, 26 March 2015

If #WeWontGiveItBack was a hope then #WeWillGetItBack should be a belief !!

A count of infinite cricket fans allowed the euphoria of ICC World Cup 2015 into their lives and they began to follow every moment of it since February 14, 2015. And today for we Indians , it seems like an era coming to an end with the loss of semi Finals against Australia and the consequent loss of making our place to the finals.

Yes we lost , but at the end of the day I saw myself with nostalgia of some great memories coming to an end and I saw myself with a little disappointment of not been able to make more of such kinds . I do not ridicule them, I love them for bringing me to a place where I was empowered enough to hope for a final.

Countless endless flawless memories these men shall come back with , are they significant even if not enough to heal the final loss ??

When India and Pakistan meet on a cricket pitch, it becomes a battlefield of intense passion and rivalry that surpasses the usual definition of the word “game”. And our men in blue set the stage of world cup for us , raising the bar of expectations after the most colorful victory of the most famous cricket rivalry on a memorable Sunday of February 15 2015. If this was where we crowned them , then surely the shine of the same prestige earned , is not so less to fade away easily.

A record of being one of the two unbeaten teams along with New Zealand !! Yes that record couldn't sustain today but the very existence of the same is not a castle made of sand that one failure can erode away.

Team India was not only lucky enough to grab some great victories in their kitty and reaching the semi's unbeaten, but they have also achieved a target of running down the opposite team with the entire pack of 10 wickets down in all the matches it has played during the world cup 2015 , prior to the semi finals. 

The euphoria they created has given wings to the time that flew away the past 60 days with some epic national jingles like Mauka Muaka and #WeWontGiveItBack . It takes a lot efforts for us to think about unity and patriotism but these men in blue very beautifully triggered the one common DNA in every Indian and that is the love of cricket. 

Agreed , that we did not expect a main league batsman to get catch-out with 1 run over 13 balls , but do we really have to discourage him by mocking over the very existence of a woman who came to cheer for that man. And at the same time , have we taken a minute to think about the irony of a captain who shall walk back home with disappointment as a return , for the patience he maintained to see his newly born daughter.

Agreed, that what we missed the most today was “experience of playing under pressure” , we missed some of our old-gold champions who we think could have managed the pressure better. But in a country of billions, can we stagnate the talent pool ?? Should we not keep making room for new diamonds to shine , and by diamond I mean to specify that these new talents may not be completely ready but tough moments like today can help them learn more.

Agreed, that we are a democracy and we can be the mirror to show them their shortcomings but let us be cautious of the line we draw between criticism and discouragement .We saw some countrymen of “previously defeated” countries , expressing their disappointment to their players in a very unsocial way , if we choose to follow the same path what difference do we wish to establish then ?

I may be a single voice , I may be my a single thought , but I say that I loved my men in blue. They gave me some most amazing days of my cricketism where I loved following their every ball, where I had a reason to stay connected with people as crazy as I was, where I spent hours of intense group discussion, where I saw great media connection , where I knew that my team brought my country to a grand semi finals, where I had a reason to hope that we might not have to give it back and where I am surely left with nostalgia of losing after being this close to bringing it back.

I replace my jingle of #WeWontGiveItBack to #WeWillGetItBack, we can do it again , as I appreciate my men in blue for a great defense and welcome them with huge applaud, do you as well ??

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Long distance relationships : Redefining via Sunset Ideology !!

Long distance relationships, is it just a terminology to describe a courtship category?? A formula to solve the mathematics of love being distant or a baggage that we choose to carry along??I say it is a sunset… A dusk to a day called love.
The first ray of sunlight is how you choose to fall in , is it love in first sight , is it that friendship that out of the blue gave you fireworks or is it that undefined relation that spoke to you in silence that this is it..  No matter how you let the first ray enter you horizon, but it is promising as you start to live your day, a day called togetherness and a day called spreading love.

Most of us are lucky enough to preserve the sunlight forever, but there are some whose love is bound to face the sunset… the distance which cannot be measured in miles. More than we promise our certain someone, we do more to our own self that nothing at all shall change. And more than this, we know that it will. It is a paradox, where a part of us knows that the night is genetically beautiful and there is a part that is afraid of the dark. As the sun sets, the sky burns itself deep red while it bids a farewell to the sun… that’s how it is for us to accept the separation and perhaps it is the most volatile beginning of any long distance relationship where there is a volcano of emotions and deep introspection.
The places you revisit like a million times, the pictures you love to repeat, the chats you revise and smile, the wait keeps triggering the anxious you, every fight gets more dreadful, you miss, you obsess, you grab , you loosen, you get alone, you get bound , every time you do something you define your night.  You let the sunset and the stars to take over.
But how often do we let the night not scare the dark side of the long distance relation. Do we really let the vows bear the distance? Do we realize that the night can be beautiful if you choose to see the moonlight over the dark, if you choose to make someone feel you are around?  This night is silent , this night is cold , this night is windy  , but look at the bright side when the in the silence you can talk more , when in cold you can embrace more, when in wind you can let your emotions flow.
So, long distance relation is surely not a bed of roses, it is that sunset that comes at the cost of the darkness that envelopes your relation… but then there always are and will be,  those “stars” that can shine till you wait for the dawn. So I end it with a thought that what do you want to wake up to – a sunrise full of hopes or a morning with the remains of a nightmare!!

This beautiful theme was brought to me by someone I adore for his unbeatable love for this lady miles away. They have created their own definition of love that embraces the word called distance.. The city is new to him, when she is around and her absence makes her heart grow fonder I hardly find them going short of words, they talk like the words are endless even if it is to fight. Dear Shashwat & Ankita, as you both let the stars cover you sky, may you soon have your awaited sunrise.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

If to Die is to sing a song called Lifetime !!

It's no hard to die when you know you have lived…
I lived like a melody and will die as a song…
If life was an event of gathering the best notes...
Every moment I lived was every rhythm I wrote…
Every tear told me I was to start a new verse…
The smile was the high tone during the course…
My instrumentalists knew where to back me with their love in sync…
That's how I aged with cords that kept my beats linked…
Destiny kept turning the pages as I wrote my lyrics…
As much as I was afraid to sing my end, I lived every moment filled with music.
Happy to keep living and not ready to die…
But when I did, I looked down into the world so wide…
And I began to let go of everything that looked so ordinary…
But when you put them together they make up a life …
A life that was one of its kind, a string into which my ordinary verses bind…
I will sing my melody before I cross the sky…
I will sing my melody before I end my time…
I will sing my melody with all that made my lifetime...
I will sing my heart out, oh I will sing my parting soul...
Oh, I will be the most melodious me today...
Oh, I will be a choir in my own...
Releasing the strings & beats that made me what I die with today...
Leaving everything to eternity as I began to take the highway...
After all, this the day for which I preserved my best verses...
This is my opera, my soul shall need to witness…
And I shall celebrate it with the song to thank my life...
And I will sing till you stop to weep away your eyes...
I will sing till you realize I am not over yet...
I will sing till you know I do not end and I did not die…

So live your best verses
As when you die, you get to sing the melody …
That took a lifetime to compose and will remain in for eternity…

Friday, 6 March 2015

Breaking The Stereotpye: PINKY PARADISE vs BRO CODES

Women empowerment, is it the world or yourself ? Is this what we are trying to win in the male dominant society as a demand made loud & clear? Or is it a call for a self-check?

How often we as females, respect “her”, how often do we believe in “her” potential, how often we really know when & where to stand for “her”??
I begin this with a moment of appreciation for our men fraternity as well for being the loyal ones to their bro code. And with that thought I wonder how much do we believe in empowering our pinky paradise?

More often we see that a woman happens to make her first bios relation with her father. She is identified as daddy’s little girl and to a mother a son is the apple of her eye. But how sensible it is to run our entire lives on the same track or our we programmed to follow newton’s law of similar opposite poles repelling & attracting each other respectively.

Are we sure that we are not fighting for women respect,  just from the world and within our own pinky paradise we have a trouble?

The she who is vamp mother in law, the she who can disgust the female child, the she who doesn’t let a women grow, the she who keeps a secret check of your Internet updates to stalk you, the she who links you with every men around, the she who can set her eyes on your love associations, the she who never likes what you wear but search for the same everywhere, the she who can keep a secret against her best friend, the she who can be a part of a discussion targeting a female dignity, the she who can do a lot more than these. Why do we have such a she or why do we become such a she?

Ladies where do we stand when it comes to code of honor or acknowledging our own gender?

Unfair to let men mostly win over the trophy for being the only best friend, the only best confider, the only crisis cure.. We are always proud to be defined as the corner for warmth & affection, so when in need why not call that she of your life who cannot judge you for being a crazy woman because as she can be one as well, why not tell her the she is beautiful before a man can make her feel otherwise, why not choose her as a friend over a man at times, when she can be ruthlessly honest while he prefer to pamper , why to forget that it is a she who prepared you for 9 months before you even meet your sperm donator  ,it is a she who knows it first when you become a lady out of a girl , it is a she with whom you don’t think before street shopping and it is a she who lends you her clothes , shoes & make up ( too important to be missed )  .

We stand united today against major women injustice issues, but I say let us bring the change in ourselves first. If men are to be known for their bro code, then let us break the stereotype of being called the cats that fight.

Gals are soul mates & men are for fun!! You already have it in you to be pricey enough for the men; they will respect it eventually, as we decide to love every bit of feminism around.

Monday, 2 March 2015

The last Winter Rain or is it a Goodbye Kiss !!

Most of us have seasonal inclination for falling in love all over again. Seasons gain the theater control over the actors in love and their expressions, so how often we wonder that  how beautiful it can be , being in love with a season. With that thought , I just kissed winters a goodbye with the last winter rain.

The winter personified expressed its love to me in its most mystical ways. I could not say what just brushed against my hair but I never could wake up to a morning so beautiful like this. It was dark & raining, it was raining like it is there to give me my last winter kiss.

You being the most certain love I wait for, you being the most intense love I long for , you being the love that comes with the autumn colors & leave me behind with the spring. I shall wish to go no place than being embraced in your arms .They complain that the fog makes them see the blurred world but is it love or blind love that my eyes can never be more pleased to witness a sight like this. The shiver in those sleepless nights mysteriously became the warmest feeling ever. As I slide down the snow, why did I know that I can touch the horizon as long as you are there to stretch it for me? You have become a million things than being winters . That’s my winter love.

Today as you wish to go back again, you can never be mightier enough. You gave me your last good bye kiss. You gave me the last rain.
I shall not cover myself as I walk out, I smile when the rain giggles our love in my ears and I blush when they confront our stories. I can never be that proud of the rains if it is not for you. Hold that moment when I make that last kiss until it becomes one forever.
To feel that shiver once before letting it go, to feel that rush of wind of in me once before letting it go , to feel the promise of a next year once before letting it go. That is how we said goodbye!!

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Leap of Life between early & late 20s ??

A.  SOCIAL PERSONNEL LIFE or I say Yeh Jawaani Hai hi Deewani:
Social life is more or less a matter of count. When you are in early 20s you are still the bird out of the nest: the new work life , the new network circles , the monetary independence is definitely the catalyst to play role in the increasing graph of your social networking. The weekends must go on fire. It becomes a style statement to have multiple check ins & images of friendly outings on the social networking sites.
 But the graph very soon reaches its saturation in late 20s when comes the era of the coffee meet types. Life at home & with self-engagements is equally more important. The social circle is cut down to those who are close when it comes to personnel times but the subtle you still would ensure a healthy networking. You began to make coffee & beer buddies instead. And people like me becomes Speaking Cappuccino.

By the mid of early 20s most of us been kicked out of the nest so the flight is definitely not very smooth and also no single portion of the  sky  is the playground which we  wish to settle before touching more corners. The new toy in the hand called self-earned money seems to us like a blessing & less the figures more positively motivated we are towards adding the zeros.
But just as we move towards the late 20s, domain expertise become a part of your professional identity and this at times restricts our flexibility towards trying new options. But  this can also be called focus on single direction which is even more beneficial. The money always looks less, this can be because of the increasing responsibilities & changing lifestyle.  Remember the Bollywood movie Guru starring Abhishek Bachan!!


The high school love has just matured to the next level; most of us now start moving towards having more mature outlook towards relationships. That doesn’t mean we are in a hurry for serious relations or focus more on the commitments but we are still more upfront towards confronting our relationships & have learnt to understand & respect our partner more. The feminist me would like to put forward a point that men in early 20s prefer to hang out with more outgoing, flamboyant & confident women, the women on the other hand have started becoming choosier with their options as they are the first of the breed to develop the needs of settling down.

. Moving towards the late 20s, we see this change that was well defined in the Bollywood movie Cocktail starring Sail Ali & Deepika that most men now are more spectacle of dating, and most often we hear them saying that they are still looking for the right girl, is this because their criteria has now become more in sync with the family choice or is it because for them something worth being a relationship must have a future? The women by now are in the most dilemmatic position, they are getting cut down on options but their saturated mind is more concentrated with the choices.


There is clear difference one can draw in our look of early & late 20s. Early 20s still have the slight inertia of the teenage cool fashion sense to some stages & we are more colorful, bright & highly sensitive to changes in the fashion trends. This is also the time it gets tough for our family at times to absorb the change in us as they take their time to understand the grown up you with self-responsible attitude. This difference is mostly seen as the reason to lack of quality family times.
But then with time we are acceptable and trusted more and vice versa. Also by time we develop our own fashion sense, we define our own body comfort & so we are less sensitive to changing fashion trends & definitely more classified.

Saturday, 28 February 2015

More than Being the Adam's Eve

Her heart shall always be hard earned...
Her smile may be the rain in the sun...
She cares, she adores and can fill moments with fun...
This is the lady out of the girl you see..
The girl that still is holding a part of her sealed..
Part where she hides the queen in her own..
She treasures her fantasies and her mind is her throne..
The invisible crown she wears,as she know that she is beautiful...
this queen is not just a shadow of empathy or a wind so cheerful..
She will love you like she definitely owns you...
She will own you like she definitely is made for you...
This queen is not simple to be the king for..
She should be a desire ,not a treasure won out of a war...
Leave her in a way that you are felt even when you are gone...
It is when you know that the moment of your defeat is the moment she ever mourns.
Her words are too less if you think they are speaking too much..
Get into her eyes ones and the answers will be promising beyond her every touch..
She may not wish, you to gift her the gems..
But she wishes you to gift her the shine that should stays for then and hence..
You may not move with her, the best foot to dance.
But walk those steps with her, for which separation can ever have no chance..
Your compassion should melt her heart away...
You need to read the face but learn what her heart allows inside to stay...
Take that out, make her know she is complete then...in every single way....
Fragility is the prize you get, for the cost you owe...
To win the strength of a girl loving you so..
so much that you believe she deserved every bit of all what you gave...
and there is always more to give for her love that you will always wish to save...

I Shall say Yes to be the Bride


I am a star born to my family and I shall always shine for them  , I am an ocean to my friends and I shall keep absorbing their lives into mine , I am a dreamer and I shall keep turning them into realities. I am lot more than what I can see now, a lot more than what I can be tomorrow & a lot more than what I shall end up with.
Yes, it is a big deal for me to say yes to be a bride. And I shall take one big deal of a time, one big deal of reasons & one big deal of you to say that one yes…

I hold my dreams in my eyes, I capture my moments in my hair , I keep my spirits high with the heels and I confirm my existence with a smile .I am beautiful  and I do not need anyone than my heart to tell me this. If you be the one who believes in it more than me, then you are the dream in my eyes, our future will be our moments & I shall set everything straight in our life with the curve of my smile.
I have been the rock to my miseries and have had the best of the support.And today as I walk, I shall need you to walk by my side. I shall not need you to pull me when I fall down, I shall need you to hold my hands as I walk down and never let me fall.
I shall say yes to be a bride but shall not end to be the daughter of my family, not end to be the person I am. As I hold your hand I shall let go of things that stop us from walking ahead, I shall smile to discover your baggages but shall love to see you accept mine.
I have my thoughts locked but can you be the right key ? I do not always speak but will you read my silence ? I believe in creating my own destiny but will you be my lamp ?I shall agree to be the bride if you promise me the love which is so inconvenient, the love which is involving, the love which is crazy and the love which is forever.

This one is dedicated to a beautiful lady in my life , who is the perfect I here and a friend who taught me to reserve yourself for the one who deserves you the most.