Friday, 6 March 2015

Breaking The Stereotpye: PINKY PARADISE vs BRO CODES

Women empowerment, is it the world or yourself ? Is this what we are trying to win in the male dominant society as a demand made loud & clear? Or is it a call for a self-check?

How often we as females, respect “her”, how often do we believe in “her” potential, how often we really know when & where to stand for “her”??
I begin this with a moment of appreciation for our men fraternity as well for being the loyal ones to their bro code. And with that thought I wonder how much do we believe in empowering our pinky paradise?

More often we see that a woman happens to make her first bios relation with her father. She is identified as daddy’s little girl and to a mother a son is the apple of her eye. But how sensible it is to run our entire lives on the same track or our we programmed to follow newton’s law of similar opposite poles repelling & attracting each other respectively.

Are we sure that we are not fighting for women respect,  just from the world and within our own pinky paradise we have a trouble?

The she who is vamp mother in law, the she who can disgust the female child, the she who doesn’t let a women grow, the she who keeps a secret check of your Internet updates to stalk you, the she who links you with every men around, the she who can set her eyes on your love associations, the she who never likes what you wear but search for the same everywhere, the she who can keep a secret against her best friend, the she who can be a part of a discussion targeting a female dignity, the she who can do a lot more than these. Why do we have such a she or why do we become such a she?

Ladies where do we stand when it comes to code of honor or acknowledging our own gender?

Unfair to let men mostly win over the trophy for being the only best friend, the only best confider, the only crisis cure.. We are always proud to be defined as the corner for warmth & affection, so when in need why not call that she of your life who cannot judge you for being a crazy woman because as she can be one as well, why not tell her the she is beautiful before a man can make her feel otherwise, why not choose her as a friend over a man at times, when she can be ruthlessly honest while he prefer to pamper , why to forget that it is a she who prepared you for 9 months before you even meet your sperm donator  ,it is a she who knows it first when you become a lady out of a girl , it is a she with whom you don’t think before street shopping and it is a she who lends you her clothes , shoes & make up ( too important to be missed )  .

We stand united today against major women injustice issues, but I say let us bring the change in ourselves first. If men are to be known for their bro code, then let us break the stereotype of being called the cats that fight.

Gals are soul mates & men are for fun!! You already have it in you to be pricey enough for the men; they will respect it eventually, as we decide to love every bit of feminism around.

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